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History of statistics
Pages of History

The statistics of Kazakhstan roots in the remote past. There are historical acknowledgements to statistical data on the first Kazakh state - Kazakh Khanstvo: in the beginning of its foundation (1459) in valleys of the rivers Shu and Talas (now Zhambyl region) the population was 200 thousand people, and by the end of XV century it has reached 1 million.

However, the origin of more or less regular and centralized statistical activity at the territory of modern Kazakhstan concerns to the second half of XVIII century, i.e. to the period of occurrence of Kazakhstan to the Russian empire. The first general census in its territory, as well as in all imperial Russia, has been carried out on February, 9 (January, 28) 1897.

The first official state statistical organ formed at the territory of Kazakhstan is the Turkestani provincial statistical committee (date of establishment is January, 22, 1868) and subordinated to him statistical bureaus in Syr-Darya and Semirechenskaya regions. In the middle of 70th years of XIX century the Ural regional statistical committee, in 1877 - Semipalatinskiy and Akmolinskiy (in Omsk) and in 1895 - Turgayskiy regional statistical committees were organized. However, there was no the statistical organ uniting specified and other local statistical services in Kazakhstan till 1920.

With formation of the Kazakh Independent Socialist Republic in structure of RSFSR (on August, 26, 1920), the Government of Kazakh ASSR has ratified «Rule of the state statistics in Kazakh ASSR» with the order from November, 8, 1920 and has formed Statistics division of ASSR. Thus, the date of establishment of centralized statistical organs is considered the 8th of November, 1920.

Stages of development of statistics of Kazakhstan

For last fifteen years the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan conditionally passed following phases of development:

1) the Agency’s formation as the National body creating basic methodological know-how, national accounts system standards’ introduction (SNA 93) in 1992-1996.

2) development of methodology of the integrated accounts and SNA tables; start of the regular use of international and co-ordinated statistical classificatories; the beginning of creation of statistical registers; introduction of statistical methods of the information on small enterprises; introduction of new technologies of the information and communication in 1996-1998.

3) actual introduction of the international classifications in all areas of statistics formation; successful carrying out the first Kazakhstan population census of 1999 and development of demographic social statistics; introduction of progressive methods of mass data processing, reception of the technical help within the international cooperation during 1995-2005.

4) realization of the improving Program of the state statistics, including revision of methodologies and classifications, adaptation of developing international standards, the beginning of the metagiven and integrated classifications system introduction is 2006-2008;

5) modernization of processes of data processing, revision data gathering system introduction of modern technologies in the field of data processing (storehouse of the data, the electronic statistical reporting, etc.), active investments into development of the personnel and the expansion of the international cooperation since 2008.


The First General Census.

November 8, 1920
Council of National Commissioners of Kirgiz (Kazakh) ASSR affirms «the rules of the state statistics in Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR». Statistics Division of Kazakh АSSR is established

Establishment of Statistics Division at the Council of Ministers of Kazakh SSR

Statistics Division at the Council of Ministers of Kazakh SSR is transformed into the Central Statistics Division at the Council of Ministers of Kazakh SSR (CSD of Kazakh SSR)

August 19, 1987
CSD of Kazakh SSR is transformed into the State Statistics Committee of Kazakh SSR (SSC of Kazakh SSR)

March 1, 1991
SSC of Kazakh SSR is transformed into the State Committee on statistics and the analysis of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Special public service of registration of the prices, carrying out regular supervision over a level and dynamics of the prices (tariffs) in all sectors of economy is created

January, 1992
At VII Session of a Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan «the Law of the State Statistics in the Republic of Kazakhstan» is accepted

December, 1992
The State program on reorganization of statistics, primary and book keeping in 1992 - 1995, served the basic for introduction of system of national accounts (SNA) is accepted

The first Balance of payments of Republic of Kazakhstan is made

October, 1996
The Program of perfection of the state statistics in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1996 - 1998 is accepted

May 7, 1997
The new "State statistics law” of Republic of Kazakhstan is accepted

November, 1998
The Program of perfection of the state statistics in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1999 - 2005 is accepted

January 22, 1999
According to the Decree of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan «Of structure of the of Republic of Kazakhstan Government» National statistical agency of Republic of Kazakhstan is transformed into the Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on statistics

February 25 – March 4, 1999
The First National Census of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Категория: Статьи студентов | Добавил: mauka (04.12.2010)
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